Hi! Let's play Android Games! I usually do short let's play, like 5-10 minutes
(depending on whether the game I like it or not), but sometimes it happens that I'll do a short series of games,
if i really like it and enjoy it.

wtorek, 17 maja 2016

Pure Gymkhana Rally - Drift! GamePlay Android Game

Pure Gymkhana Rally - Drift ! GamePlay Android Game by CVi Games ONLINE MULTIPLAYER ADDED! Challenge people in a real time multiplayer match, be the fastest racer and be the king of drift !! :D Pure Gymkhana Rally is a great Rally simulator in which you can do awesome drift at high speed... but not only! Jump from a container... into a container, do donuts and burnout drifting around a box, make your way between shelves or on to the dirt. Just have fun, because Pure Rally Gymkhana is Pure Fun! GOOGLE PLAY : http://ift.tt/1OBbu9B TWITTER: https://twitter.com/drazz_look


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